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Las Vegas, Nevada, United States
Here at People Of the World, our bloggers are researching facts only, not fictions to feed you with. Our goal is to help you grow and discover the genius within you. Thousands of years ago, consciousness was discovered by man and hijacked by few earlier conscious beings.This discovery was the light.The hijackers kept the discovery secret and passed it down within their family for generations and, created illusions to enslave the masses. For thousands of years, the masses lived within these illusions. They know no other way than the anti-civilization way. Graduated at the University of Metaphysics, Christian Nga and the team of People Of the World will write and post facts that will slowly feed your right brain with good food. The life you were meant to live is just one hard decision away. Visist this blog very often.


Reading the Neothink prime literature for few years only,as i grow within the unknown boundaries of knowledge, leaving behind me the confused and twisted life of political,religious or intellectual servitude, and rising above low matter like: jealousy, envy, greed,lazyness,gossip, and other mysticisms. A parallel universe, it is like the opposite of what we have been taught, it is bigger than what we know, some never experinced a bite of it. c'est ci bon !


There was a time when a was very exhilarated about life, it was between two and six year old. I was very happy to be around my mom,my dad, grandma, grandpa, my brothers and sisters. Life was so exhilarating, every four month, we had a family reunion,my aunties, uncles, cousins,every body was there, it was so stimulating as a child,having all my family members around me. Few years came to pass, i was full time student, some days i when to school against my will. I was very creative at that age. Others kids spent thier evenings at our home to whatch movies made with a paper boxe, actors made with paper, and myself behind the boxe with a flash light while the audience stays in the dark asking for more, they stayed until past 2AM enjoying values created by me, to fill their evening times. These kids came with their parents some evenings, they gave me money, i didn't take it because my parent told me not to. My parents wanted me to focus on school only. I was a spectacular soccer player the in my early years at Sacre- coeur primary school, my parents told me to stop playing and focus more on school.The external authorities, mom and dad knew less about the source of true happiness.I love you mom and dad, you are the victims, the innocents just like many parents in the world. I did very good at school, not straight A's all the way, but teachers always said that i was a fast rational thinker. A was in the classroom in afternoon, listening to our history teacher, the principal came in, and asked to talk to me in his office, my mom was there in the principal's office,i never saw my mom crying before, she was seating on the floor crying, saying that her mom died that morning. I cried with mom all the way home, many other family members were there crying also.I never saw my whole family crying all together. Three month after my grantma died, my grandpa died too.The crying were more intense. My grand-parent were the foundation of the city , after they die,the buildings felt apart, they had seven children,i heard that the Family reunions has stopped because of inequality over mystical power sharing, power left by my grand-parent to protect the family, but someone tried to keep it for himself.


For thousand of years, humanity have been searching for self-fulfillment.
I too was a searcher, after searching fulfillment in many ways, my mentor came in my life, he told me i was ready. he said; Self-fulfillment is unatainable when it is search in mystical ways, our anti-civilization , he added; is build on illusions, these illusions affect your well being,suppressing your happiness, your health,your freedom, your life.I am going to teach you how to see beyong these illusions. I stayed silent for a while. His words were so unheard, and his had a full tone voice.
He said; now that you didn't run, lets move to the next step.


The first answer to this question is that, many never question themselve about it. Mystical teachings are also very stimulating, and very hard to cut off from them. A mentor came into my life, taught me how to use the TEN MINUTE MIRACLE. The most important was to learn how to use my human brain hundred per cent. I aspired to be a great value creator, a facilitator,now that i have released these aspirations, i find the creative force lifting me above the universe. I can look at things and own them. To conquer desires has meant to loose the desire to possess. But it be less than ironic to be able to possess something by no process of wanting it.
The Neothink discovery communicate various knowledge. I hold my hand beside a lamp. I see the shadow of my hand on the table. The lamp exists, the table exists, surely my hand exists. The shadow is not an existing thing. It is nothing but the absence of light. Mysticism is the name apply to the condition brought about by blocking love. Mysticism is the absence of love. In the analogy, the lamp is ZON, the light is the great cosmic force, and the table is the physical universe., but what is the hand that blocks the light? The answer to that is the answer to all the problem in the physical world.
In the analogy we said the hand exists. Did the blocks exists in reality, do thoughts exists? Scientists tell us that thoughts are energy. They can measure this energy with an electro-encephalograph, can they measure the energy in terms of work? By thier own definitions of energy and work? This must be possible. This is really not a snag unless we let ourself be limited purely by materialistic thinking. Thoughts are really energy tramsformed into motion. As a thought is manifested into a word, so is thought manifested into action or motion. Energy in motion is matter.


As a child, i knew how to create happiness. Having our home full of people watching my creations was a big happiness and love for me. Love, energy in its purest form. Love alone can create. Love manifests itself, we are part of that manifestation. Love is in us and we are it. Love manifests as energy, energy manifests as thought, thought manifests as words, words manifests as actions or motions, motions manifest as matter, matter manifests as man. And man is ....

Man must live in darkness to be able to experience the light.

Christian Nga.