- People Of the World
- Las Vegas, Nevada, United States
- Here at People Of the World, our bloggers are researching facts only, not fictions to feed you with. Our goal is to help you grow and discover the genius within you. Thousands of years ago, consciousness was discovered by man and hijacked by few earlier conscious beings.This discovery was the light.The hijackers kept the discovery secret and passed it down within their family for generations and, created illusions to enslave the masses. For thousands of years, the masses lived within these illusions. They know no other way than the anti-civilization way. Graduated at the University of Metaphysics, Christian Nga and the team of People Of the World will write and post facts that will slowly feed your right brain with good food. The life you were meant to live is just one hard decision away. Visist this blog very often.
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
From man to God-man.
Among the questions that have most concerned mankind is that of divine justice, and why there are such inequalities in life.
How is it possible to hold a point of view that justice is equal for all, when some people enjoy all the good things in life while others lack the most basic necessities?
How is it possible that some people find happiness in every part of their lives while for others, only suffering exists?
What is the cause of joy, and what is the cause of grief?
Why are there those who live long lives, regardless of whether they are productive or not, while some children live for only a few minutes or hours?
We ask ourselves these and many other questions when pondering the mystery of life, searching for some answer that will satisfy our desire to know.
Throughout human history, and especially among western religions, a series of theories have been developed in efforts to explain divine justice and the reason for the inequalities among people.
Let us review some of these theories to consider whether they offer light, or are only human attempts to explain cosmic reality, and far from explaining, present such a confused image as to give the impression that the Cosmos is not formed in a balanced and harmonious way, and its Creator is a capricious and unjust Being.
The first theory, very common among the religions of Semitic origin such as Christianity, tells us, "God alone decides, according to His will, whether we have happiness or sorrow, the length of our lives, and the conditions under which we live."
This theory, or dogma, presents us with a capricious god who gives to men according to his whim.
This theory has given rise to many superstitious practices intended to appease the god's anger and the resulting whims. Sacrifices, more or less bloodless, depending on the culture that makes them, are among these practices intended to appease the Creator.
It is very curious to observe that among the followers of this dogma, the idea exists that we can negotiate with God for favors, and even resort to blackmail. As an example: when a person needs help, or wants something, and says: "My God, if you grant me such and such a thing I will do this or that." This ridiculous exchange says little in favor of the power and mercy of God.
Another theory, connecting at some points with the previous one, says that there is a constant struggle between the powers of good - God - and those of evil - God's antagonist, called Satan, Scratch, Sep, Pluto, or some other name depending upon the culture. In this dogma we are confronted with a weak God that must face an evil being of equal power, who can bring about pain and destruction, casting the world into darkness.
As with the previous dogma, to imagine a cruel being equal to the power of a God who is completely kind, just, fair, etc. is so ridiculous that it is not worthy of consideration by serious thinkers.
Another type of theory exists, mainly scientific in nature, declaring that the causes of happiness and distress are our genetic inheritance and mostly the product of random chance.
Observing the balance and creative harmony of the Universe, in which everything is related and follows specific laws and purposes, we cannot concede that the manifestation of life is the product of chance, or random cosmic improvisation.
In making observations of life and its effects on our being, we cannot consider people as only bodies formed in the same way as everything around them. People are conscious, thinking beings that make choices and act according to their thoughts, their emotions, and also more subtle influences of a spiritual nature.
That is the key that leads to knowledge of the "esoteric" Law that provides an explanation of our lives and an understanding of the apparent injustices of life. We come to understand that everything obeys fair Laws and has its origin, from the beginning, in the mind of the Creator.
Firstly, we need to affirm an understanding that life, inclusive of all that is manifest throughout the Universe, is eternal. It is by this means that mankind becomes aware of the way in which Absolute Reality, the spiritual world and its laws, as well as the Creator, unfold within the self.
But life, just as everything else, has a dual nature. There is a period of activity and another of rest, just as things manifest throughout nature: day and night, positive and negative, the seasons of nature, etc.
Those periods of activity and rest have come to be incorrectly called life and death.
If we understand the eternal nature of life, the period called death is nothing other than a period during which a life is not manifested on the earthly plane. However, this does not mean that it is gone, only that there is no physical manifestation.
In the same way that night follows the end of day, and the end of night brings the new day, man is born and lives, then dies and is born again, continually.
We refer, naturally, to what is called reincarnation - a subject we will cover more broadly in another writing - but not according to any of the particular theories that are presently being spread, often with the intention of concealing the true meaning of this principle.
This is the only theory that can explain divine justice. Being given an opportunity to live many lives allows us to experience every sensation, emotion, challenge, and situation, in equality with all others.
But reincarnation, with the purpose of making it possible to live every experience possible on the material plane, is bound by its own laws, adapted to all of the other divine laws.
There is a basic law of balance involving adjustment and compensation that has a great influence on man, on the entire universe, and even influences man's thoughts and actions.
This law to which we refer is called the law of Karma. The name, derived from the Sanskrit, is used because it perfectly defines the nature of this law.
The word Karma is derived from two words in the Sanskrit language, and in that language is pronounced KARMAN.
In antiquity the root KAR meant the application of creative power by man. The root MAN means "thinker".
Uniting these two roots forms the word KARMAN, or KARMA as we pronounce it. The meaning then is, "the action and reaction of human will on the thinker - or Man".
As esotericism has been made more common in modern times, on many occasions we hear definitions and theories, many of them very searching and eccentric, although surprisingly well accepted, addressing the law of Karma.
It is curious to observe that in most of those explanations reference is made to Karma as a system of rewards and penalties, particularly of penalties, and on several occasions we have heard comments like: "Karma will come down on him" or "he bears great Karma".
The law of Karma is not a personalized law of reward and penalty. To think of it in this way is to be taken in by the same ridiculous theories that we have previously mentioned. Karma is an IMPERSONAL law of balance and justice.
The law of Karma is a law by means of which, by appropriate compensation for our acts, thoughts, and intentions, we can become aware of universal harmony.
When a person is in harmony with the Cosmic the result is balance, health, peace, harmony, etc. If he or she deviates from that balance the result is suffering, illness, etc.
When feeling the effects of the Law of Karma, or compensation, we have an opportunity to adjust perfectly with cosmic harmony. When we choose correctly we feel the positive compensation and, in consequence, know how best to proceed, or think, to retain that. When we error through ignorance, bad intentions, or any other condition, we feel the negative effect and are able to determine that which we should not do.
The balancing effect of the Law of Karma requires fair compensation and encompasses all of our past lives, and the present and future. Compensation will take place at the most appropriate time, whether in this life or others, so that we learn the lesson that such a karmic effect affords us (this being another example of justice and divine mercy).
However, keep in mind that as an action causes karmic compensation, if the compensation is negative we can neutralize it if we are conscious of it, by taking positive action to compensate for the error and adjust the result accordingly.
Something that we need to be aware of is that the value of our acts, thoughts, and intentions, is very different from a cosmic point of view than a human one.
For example: From the cosmic point of view the small contribution to a benevolent institution by a person of very limited means who must sacrifice to give has more value than a large contribution by a millionaire who has far more than they need, and contributes a bit from their holdings, even though both acts are of a positive nature.
Karma is also responsive to acts of omission. That is to say, just as doing good produces a karmic response, being able to do some good and not doing it causes a karmic response for the omission. The same can be said for acts of a negative nature.
With this brief explanation, everyone can understand how truly fair and balanced laws govern life and the Universe.
Angel MartÃn Velayos C…R…C
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